Celebrating Eid

Celebrating Eid

Celebrating Eid 1040 800 Exploristics

Celebrating Eid

By Abbas Shivji, VP of Sales & Marketing


“Eid Al- Adha” will be celebrated by Muslims all over the world, but have you also heard about “Eid Al-Fitr”? Most people get confused about the two Eid’s. Let us have a quick look on the history of both Eid’s and what they represent to the Muslim people around the world.


Eid Al-Fitr

Eid Al-Fitr comes to celebrate the end of Ramadan and it takes a great deal of devotion and discipline for Muslims, young and old to refrain from eating, drinking, and committing both major and minor sins during daylight hours. Through the fast of Ramadhan, Muslims are tested on the mental, physical, and spiritual levels all while performing duties towards their families, jobs, and social circles.


Eid Al-Adha

To understand why all Muslims, sacrifice a sheep in the name of God every year in this Eid, we need to understand where the practice comes from, and it goes back to the time of Abraham who was the first Hebrew patriarch and a figure revered by Judaism, Christianity, and Islamic religions. So, in our Holy book, the Quran, we find his story when Abraham had a dream which he believed was a message from God asking him to sacrifice his son Ishmael as an act of obedience to God. As Abraham was about to kill his son, God stopped him and gave him a lamb to sacrifice instead. Till this day, all Muslims celebrate Abraham’s practice and sacrifice a sheep every year.


Eid Al-Adha is also the last day of Hajj. The Hajj is a pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It happens every year and is one of the main pillars or foundation of the Islamic religion. Everyone in Hajj will be doing the Eid Al- Adha as the closing practice of their Pilgrimage.


Festivity and Spirtuality

For both Eids, we commemorate the holiday by Eid prayer in the morning at the mosque after taking a cleansing shower and wearing the finest clothes and scents. We then exchange greetings of Eid Mubarak (blessed Eid) and gather and celebrate with friends and loved ones. It is a festive time with a variety of foods and desserts, celebrated with close family and friends, connecting as a community, spreading love, and helping those that are in need. It is also momentous time to celebrate the devotion to God and experience, ‘Spirituality.’


For me Eid, is a day of socialisation and enjoying a variety of delicacies with family, and friends, but also donating money to philanthropic and charitable causes, giving to those that are less well- off to ensure they can celebrate Eid as well. Last but not least, as people of faith, we maintain our connection to God, and this really helps us remain grounded and to give back to society through kindness and serving others.

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