Our Data Science team have created a range of Disease Specific Data Models which can be used to inform clinical study assumptions and support comprehensive study optimisation.
The data models provide information that can be leveraged by simulation-guided design software KerusCloud to build realistic patient level synthetic datasets and run in silico clinical trials. This allows multiple key ‘what if’ questions to be answered when selecting the best study design and analysis approach before implementing a clinical trial.

What is a Disease Specific Data Model?
A Disease Data Model is a collection of trial summary data centered around a disease area, intervention, endpoint or biomarker that can help to inform optimal clinical trial design. It contains a statistical description of a disease area, that retains all the characteristics of original trial data.

What information is contained within a Disease Data Model?
Each disease model has:
- Individual participant level data (when available) and summary data from multiple clinical trials
- Key trial components, i.e., baseline characteristics, eligibility criteria, and trial outcomes/endpoints.
- Standardised and aligned data for each endpoint measurement
- QC validation of inputs

What Disease Data Models do we have?
We have a range of disease models across common and rare diseases, including our new Pulmonary Suite. We also have proprietary tools and expertise that can quickly and reliably build any bespoke data models for your unique program.

What is a Disease Specific Data Model?
A Disease Data Model is a collection of trial summary data centered around a disease area, intervention, endpoint or biomarker that can help to inform optimal clinical trial design. It contains a statistical description of a disease area, that retains all the characteristics of original trial data.

What information is contained within a Disease Data Model?
Each disease model has:
- Individual participant level data (when available) and summary data from multiple clinical trials
- Key trial components, i.e., baseline characteristics, eligibility criteria, and trial outcomes/endpoints.
- Standardised and aligned data for each endpoint measurement
- QC validation of inputs

What Disease Data Models do we have?
We have a range of disease models across common and rare diseases, including our new Pulmonary Suite. We also have proprietary tools and expertise that can quickly and reliably build any bespoke data models for your unique program.
Steps involved in building a Disease Data Model