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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus scelerisque eget urna id laoreet. Suspendisse suscipit odio ut velit feugiat.

Take a tour of KerusCloud’s features and try out the interactive results section for yourself.
Please note that, due to the density of the information displayed, this works best on larger screens.

Click on one of the topic areas to the left to start a tour.

Click on one of the topic areas to the left to start a tour.

Click on one of the topic areas to the left to start a tour.

interactive heatmap
Patient Recruitment: Recruitment rates (1/4)

KerusCloud allows recruitment rates to vary by site and time, allowing recruitment profiles to be simulated in line with expectation and not subject to, potentially unrealistic, simplification.

Patient Recruitment: Recruitment profiles (2/4)

As recruitment profiles are often subject to significant uncertainty in advance of a trial initiating, KerusCloud allows generation of a number of recruitment profiles for simulation to explore a range of plausible scenarios. 

data drilldown
Patient Recruitment: Recruitment sites (3/4)

Recruitment profiles can be stratified by site, allowing for faster or slower recruitment rates in different sites, perhaps based off previous experience or disease prevalence in a given region.

customized view
Patient Recruitment: Recruitment periods (4/4)

Recruitment profiles can be stratified by period, allowing for faster of slower recruitment rates depending on how long recruitment has been active for.

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Project Dashboard: Overview (1/9)
KCP Dashboard 1

The project dashboard gives you an overview of your simulation project, with three stages for user input, then areas to output results, visualise results on-screen and control project collaboration.

virtual population
Project Dashboard: Virtual Population (2/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Virtual Population (2-9)

The Virtual Population provides the unique core to KerusCloud, where you can build multiple patient populations with realistic, inter-related data characteristics.

Project Dashboard: Study Design and Analysis (3/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Study Design and Analysis

At the Study Design and Analysis stage you specify how participants will be sampled from your population and randomised to treatment groups. Select from a list of statistical analyses and designs to be performed on each of your virtual studies.

decision criteria
Project Dashboard: Decision Criteria (4/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Decision Criteria (4-9)

Finally, you define your Decision Criteria in terms of individual or combined statistics from your analysis.

Quality Control
Project Dashboard: Quality Control (5/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Quality Control (5-9)

Explore quality control results and visualisations to interrogate your Virtual Population data.

Project Dashboard: Decision Criteria Visualisations (6/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Decision Criteria Visualisations (6-9)

View results of your project via a summary heatmap where you can
drill down on individual result metrics to further explore the data.

data export
Project Dashboard: Data Export (7/9)
KerusCloud-Screenshots_Project Dashboard- Data Export (7-9)

You can export your Virtual Population and Decision Criteria data for use outside KerusCloud, as well as generating a PDF report for your project.

data sharing
Project Dashboard: Data Sharing (8/9)

KerusCloud allows you to share projects with other users inside or outside your organisation to enable further collaboration.

credit ledger
Project Dashboard: Credit Ledger (9/9)
KCP Dashboard 2

View and export past Kerus Credit usage for your project.

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Virtual Population: Scenarios (1/8)

Start your project by specifying scenarios to allow you to simultaneously explore alternative assumptions, uncertainties and uncontrollable factors that impact your study outcome.

Virtual Population: Variables (2/8)

Identify variables of interest, select a distribution for each variable, and then enter parameters to define the distribution.

Virtual Population: Correlations (3/8)

Specify correlations between variables – this is critical to ensuring the results reflect the reality of your disease area.

Virtual Population: Advanced Options (4/8)

Make your data even more realistic by adding noise, missingness and truncation as well as options to handle missing data.

Estimand Conditions
Virtual Population: Estimand Conditions (5/8)

Define Estimand Conditions to specify which subjects will have their data updated when processing an Estimand.

Virtual Population: Estimands (6/8)

Create Estimands on your variables to define how data will be handled in response to custom intercurrent events.

Virtual Population: Simulation Options (7/8)

Input the size of the population and number of parallel simulations to run.

Virtual Population: Review (8/8)

Review all your Virtual Population settings before creating your simulated data in the cloud.

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sample size
Study Design & Analysis: Sample Size (1/5)

Stipulate the sample sizes you are considering.

Study Design & Analysis: Allocations (2/5)

Investigate options for treatment arms and allocation ratios.

Study Design & Analysis: Build Analysis Strategies (3/5)

Build analysis strategies using a pre-built library of descriptive and comparative statistical methods. Multiple analysis options can be defined for all endpoints, strata and covariates.

Study Design & Analysis: Designs (4/5)

Incorporate fixed and/or adaptive designs into your project from a pre-built library of design types.

Study Design & Analysis: Review (5/5)

Review the Study Design & Analysis options you have created prior to running them in parallel in the cloud.

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decision criteria
Decision Criteria: Single Definition (1/3)

Specify how you want to define success in terms of statistical significance or clinical, regulatory or commercial criteria.

combined criteria
Decision Criteria: Combined Criteria (2/3)

Combine criteria as you wish to investigate potential different decision-making and development path options.

Decision Criteria: Review (3/3)

Review your selected Decision Criteria before submitting for cloud processing.

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interactive heatmap
Simulation Results: Interactive Heatmap (1/7)

View your interactive heatmap, which summarises the probability of achieving your success criteria for each of your different scenarios and different study design. Values above the target are coloured orange and those below in blue.

Simulation Results: Subsets (2/7)
Subset the heatmap using the drop-down selection boxes on the left hand side.

Subset the heatmap using the drop-down selection boxes on the left hand side.

customized view
Simulation Results: Customised View (3/7)

Alter the probability of success threshold with the slider, choose a preferred colour scheme via the settings icon.

data drilldown
Simulation Results: Data Drill Down (4/6)

View detailed results by clicking a specfic metric in the heatmap to drill down for additional information.

QC Results
Simulation Results: QC Results (5/6)

Compare your requested values of variable parameters and correlations to their average values in your Virtual Population.

QC Drill Down
Simulation Results: QC Drill Down (6/6)

Visualise detailed QC results for specific parameters and correlations across simulations.

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Due to the complexity of the data shown in KerusCloud’s interactive heatmaps, this page can only be viewed on a large screen device. Please try again on a device with a monitor resolution of around 1920 x 1080 pixels.

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We are thrilled to announce that Exploristics is now part of MMS, a global data-focused CRO!